USL Research Supports New York City’s First Comprehensive Study on Environmental Inequality Released by NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice
April 8, 2024
Alongside the release of a historic Environmental Justice NYC (EJNYC) Report, the New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice (MOCEJ) released the EJNYC Mapping Tool, the city’s first-ever interactive online resource that provides policymakers, community leaders, and everyday New Yorkers with detailed analysis of the environmental hazards in their own neighborhoods. The new report and mapping tool are another significant step to embed environmental justice into the city’s climate work. The mapping tool utilizes the first-ever Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) for New York City, which was developed by a team of researchers led by USL’s Dr. Timon McPhearson, Pablo Herreros-Cantis and Malgosia Madajewicz at Columbia University, to aid in the office’s ongoing efforts to identify communities most vulnerable to coastal flooding. Learn more and visit tool