Erik Andersson
Erik Andersson is a Research Fellow at the Urban Systems Lab, although more frequently encountered in his capacity as an associate professor with Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Dr Andersson is interested in how ecological conditions and processes together with governance and human perceptions and values shape multifunctionality and how we understand and appreciate nature. He is also interested in systems thinking and theory and the development of the broad sustainability-resilience discourse. Dr Andersson has published widely in scientific journals (e.g. Nature, Nature Sustainability, Ecological Applications, BioScience, COSUST), in books (e.g. The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship, Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas) and popular press (e.g. The Nature of Cities). Among other things Dr Anderson leads the European project ENABLE (2017-2020) and has served as expert on a number of panels, reports and inquiries, primarily for green infrastructure or ecosystem service related projects and processes. Andersson is frequently and more or less formally involved in a continuous dialogue and knowledge co-creation with authorities and actors at levels from local to international. He is also an extraordinary associate professor with North-West University in South Africa.