Zbigniew Grabowski

Zbigniew “Z” Grabowski is a faculty fellow at the Urban Systems Lab at the New School and a Research Fellow at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. His work focuses on the intersection of socio-technical systems evolution and biocultural conservation. He has research interests in green infrastructure, river restoration, dam removal, experiential environmental learning, and governance. He has worked at the Prince’s Foundation for Building Community, where he led the design and installation of a demonstration garden in the BRE Architecture Innovation Park, and has been a member of international research networks including the UK-NERC funded Valuing Nature Network and Blue Green Cities - Clean Water For All. His work has been published in scientific journals (the Journal of Infrastructure Systems, River Research and Applications, Science of the Total Environment, Water Alternatives, Land Use Policy, and Environmental Science and Policy), and been featured in the popular press (PhysOrg and the Financial Times). He is also a Breakthrough Generation Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute and Adjunct Faculty in Geography at Portland State University. Learn more about his work at ResearchGate, Academia.edu, and LinkedIn.