Urban Systems Lab

Research, design, and engagement for more equitable and resilient cities



Join the USL for these Earth Week events!

  • NY Climate Exchange’s Climate Solutions Summit April 23-24

  • Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities, ‘Climate Resilience in New York City’ on April 24 ’

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Featured Research & Products


Ocellus XR

Ocellus XR is a mixed reality application that leverages the Urban Systems Lab’s (USL) Data Visualization Platform to present users with unique interactive geospatial information of heat, flood risk and other climate indicators in New York City.


A Multi-player Board game

Ekos: The Path to Resilience

Ekos: The Path to Resilience is a multi-player game exploring issues of urban resilience, social equity and green infrastructure. Ekos is the perfect game to engage your students, to play with friends or family, and to inspire conversation with your community about how cities can understand the interactions among social, ecological, and technological dimensions of cities to build resilience, address inequities, and adapt to climate change and other hazards.


Ocellus Data Visualization Platform

Ocellus is an interactive web application that visualizes Social, Ecological, and Technological Systems (SETS) data designed and implemented initially for nine different cities within the Urban Resilience to Weather-related Extremes (UREx) Sustainability Research Network. It was conceived as a tool to produce knowledge, bridging the gap between quantitative social, ecological and infrastructure data, and the rich and layered qualitative insights compiled at local stakeholder future visioning workshops. 


Green Roofs in NYC

As of 2016, there were 60 acres of green roofs in New York City. The Urban Systems Lab has been working with students at the New School, partners at The Nature Conservancy, the Brooklyn Grange, the Green Roof Researchers Alliance and the NYC Audubon Society on developing a comprehensive map and understanding of green roof ecology in urban centers. Visit the links below to learn more.
